Indian History - Ancient , Medieval & Modern

History is the study of past stories of the events, peoples and countries that have brought political, social and economical changes to the society.

Here we discuss complete history like Ancient History, Medieval History and Modern History in a One liner form that is important for all competative exam. The topics given below that we are discuss here.


ANCIENT INDIA : Historical Sources , Important Eras , Human Evolution , Lithic Age or Stone Age , Indus Valley Civilization , Vedic Culture , Buddhism , Jainism , Mahajanapada Period , Mauryan Period , Post-Mauryan / Pre-Gupta Period , The Sangam Period , Gupta Period , Post-Gupta Period / Vardhana Dynasty

MEDIEVAL INDIA : Early-Medieval Period , North India (Rajput Period) , South India (Cholas and other) , Sultanate Period , The Delhi Sultanate , Vijayanagar and other Kingdom , Religious Movements , Bhakti Movement , Sufi Movement , Mughal Period , Maratha State & Maratha Confederacy , The Advent of the European

MODERN INDIA : Expansion of British Power , Economic Impact of British Rule , Socio-Religious Movement , Freedom Struggle , The Revolt of 1857 , Moderate Phase , Extremist Phase , Gandhian Era


World History are divided into three parts - Ancient History , Medieval History and Modern History. In World History section we learn the history of -

ANCIENT WORLD : Mesopotamian Civilization , Egyptian Civilization , Chinese Civilization , Iranian Civilization , Greek Civilization and Roman Civilization

MEDIEVAL WORLD : Medieval Europe , Feudalism , Crusades , Arab Civilization , Medieval China , Medieval Japan

MODERN WORLD : Renaissance , Reformation , Geographical Discovery , Glorious Revolution , Industrial Revolution , American Revolution , French Revolution , Unification of Italy , Unification of Germany , First World War , Russian Revolution , Chinese Revolution , Turkish Revolution , Economic Depression of the World : 1929-34 , Fascism in Italy , Nazism in Germany , Militarism in Japan and Second World War

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