Lithic / Stone Age - Pre Historic Period

Lithic/Stone Age (30,00,000 BC - 1,000 BC) : Human used the tools made up of stones to kill the animals and fulfill their hunger. 

It is divided into three parts -
Paleolithic Age/Old Stone Age (30,00,000 BC - 10,000 BC) : 
  • Life style (Hunters & Food Gathers)
  • Tool and Weapons (Chopper , Chopping , Hand Axe , Cleavers , Flake Tools , Blade Tools)
Mesolithic Age/Middle Stone Age (9,000 BC - 4,000 BC) :
  • Life Style (Hunter & Herders)
  • Tools & Weapons (Microliths Implement)
Neolithic Age/New Stone Age (7,000 BC - 1,000 BC) :
  • Life Style (Food Producer)
  • Tools & Weapons (Polished Implement)
Paleolithic Age/Old Stone Age (30,00,000 BC - 10,000 BC) :
  • Paleolithic - Paleo (Old) & Lithic (Stone)
  • Robert Bruce Foote - Father of India Pre-Historic Archaeology
  • Pallavaram-Chingelput(Tamil Nadu-1863) - Discovered a Paleolithic implement "a Hand Axe in a gravel pit"
  • Arun Sonakia (1982) - Discovered a woman skull from Hathnora (Narmada river , Hoshangabad , Madhya Pradesh) and it's belong to the category of Homoerectus 
  • Depended on hunting and nature 
  • Did not know to grow grain and vegetables
  • Food was not cooked
  • Clothes not sewn and no house
  • Did not familiar with use of fire
  • Ate raw meat (Flesh)
  • Discovered the fire (Strikings together of the two pieces of quartzite stone produced a spark)
  • They wrapped the skins of the animals as well as the barks of trees and larges leaves on their bodies as clothes
  • Men neither knew animal husbandry and crop cultivation nor making of potteries
  • The man of this age were mainly of Negreto Race
  • Unaware of funeral rites of the dead person
Paleolithic Implements :
Lower/Early Paleolithic Age (30,00,000 BC - 1,00,000 BC) : Chopper , Chopping , Hand Axe & Cleaver
  • Lower/Early Paleolithic Implement (People used quartzite Stone) - divided into two parts 
  • Chopper/Chopping Pebble Culture (Sohan Culture) - Found firstly from Sohan River Valley of West Punjab (Pakistan)
  • Hand Axe Culture (Madrasian Culture) - Found firstly at Badmadurai & Attirampakkam of Madras
Middle Paleolithic Age (1,00,000 BC - 40,000 BC) : Implement made of Flake
  • Tools are Borers , Scrapers & Burin made of Flake
  • It's is also know as "Flake Culture"
  • Precious stones like Chert , Zasper , Flint were also used
  • The artifacts found on river Narmada & places South of Tunghbhadra
Upper/Later Paleolithic Age (4,000 BC - 10,000 BC) : Flake Blade
  • Implement were made from Flake-Blade in which Burin is the most important
  • It's also known as "Flake-Blade Culture"
  • Bone-horns made implement aslo found
  • Discovery of fire (Homoerectus) - Evidence found from China (Choutu-Gojian Cave)
  • Ice Age started (10000 BC)
Some Paleolithic Sites are :
  • Lingsugur , Karnataka - First Paleolithic Sites
  • Bhimbetka , Madhya Pradesh - Most Famous Sites
  • Adamgarh , Madhya Pradesh - Rock Shelter painting and earliest evidence of domestication
Mesolithic/Middle Stone Age (9000 BC - 4000 BC):
  • Mesolithic : Meso (Middle) & Lithic (Stone)
  • John Evan discovery of mesolithic archaeology material in India (excavated Sakkar & Rohri , Sindh)
  • Started developing Artificial Shelters & Herders
  • End of Ice Age (9000 BC)
  • Domestication of Animals - First Dog and Second Horse and other sheep , goat , cow , buffalo etc (Evidence found in Madhya Pradesh - Adamgarh & Rajasthan - Baghore)
  • Dependent largely on hunting , fishing & food gathering
  • Tools made of Microliths/Pigmy(1 to 8 cm)
  • Started using of fire
  • Cultivation of plants around 7000-6000 BC
  • Rock painting found from Bhimbetka
  • Site found in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Central and Eastern India & South of Krishna River
  • People were aware of burial process of the dead bodies
  • Discovery of Bow Arrow
  • Learned to make Utensils from clay (Evidence - Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh)
Neolithic/New Stone Age (7000 BC - 1000 BC):
  • Neolithic : Neo (New) & Lithic (Stone)
  • Dr. Primrose , discovery of archaeological material in India (discovered polished stone knives & Arrow head from Lingasur - Karnataka in 1842)
  • Begining of farming & development of Permanent Settlement
  • Started Agriculture (Evidence found from Mehargarh(Pakistan)- Wheat & Barley ; Koldihawa Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) - Paddy)
  • They used to live a life of a farmer
  • Started growing cotton (Mehargarh Pakistan)
  • People started wearing cloth
  • Lived in huts that had made on the ground by bamboos and smearing of clay
  • In 4000 BC , Invented Potter Wheel
  • Chopani Mando provide earliest evidence of the use of Poltery
Chalcolithic Age (3500 BC - 1000 BC) :
  • Chalcolithic : Chalco (Copper) & Lithic (Stone)
  • It's a transition age between the Neolithic and Bronze Age
  • It's also known as Copper-Stone Age/Neolithic-Chalcolithic Age
  • First men used the metal was Copper(5000 BC)
  • Men had familiar with the use of Gold , Silver and at last with the use of Iron
Iron Age (1000 BC - 500 BC) :
  • Men used the Implement of Iron that age is known as "Iron Age"
  • Iron Age in the World context began about 1300 BC
  • It's use in India also began around this period
  • Aryan of Early Vedic Period (Rigvedic Period) had no knowledge of Iron
  • "Lohit Ayas" used in the sense of Copper Metal
  • "Krishna/Shyama Ayas" used in the sense of Iron Metal
  • Use of Iron tools for Agriculture was began around 800 BC - 700 BC in India
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