RigVedic / Early Vedic Period (1500 BC - 1000 BC)
Geographical Area
- Location - Himvant (Himalayas), Munjavant (Hindu Kush)
- Rigvedic is the only source of knowledge for this period
- In Rigveda mentioned 40 rivers
- Nadisukta hymn of the Rigveda mention 21 rivers (Ganga in the East & Kumbha/Kabul in the West)
- Rigvedic people called themselves "Aryan" (Area which came first to be known as Sapta Sindhu - Land of Seven rivers)
- Sindhu was five tributaries - Vitasta/Jhelum , Asikani/Chenab , Vipas/Beas , Parushni/Ravi , Sutuadri/Sutlej & Saraswati/Sarsuti
- Other Rig Vedic names - Drishadvati/Ghaggar , Kumbha/Kabul , Suvastu/Swati , Krumu/Kurram , Gomati/Gomal
- In Rig Vedic - Sindhu/Indus (most mentioned river) , Saraswati (most pious river)
- Mention of Ganga - 1 time , mention of Yamuna - 3 times
- The Dasrajan War (The Battle of ten kings) - Internecine war of the Aryans & Sudas (Bharata king of Tritsus family) ; Battle was fought on the bank of Parushni/Ravi river , In which Sudas(Bharata) emerged victorious
- The Kula (the family) was the basis of both social & political organization
- Kula were the Grama , the Vis , the Jana , and the Rashtra
- A group of Kula (family) formed a Grama (the Village)
- Monarchy and Non - Monarchical polities were also there
- Government - Patriarchal Nature
- Purohita/Domestic Prist - First ranking official
- Rashtra was ruled by a king/Rajan
- Senani - Royal official (army chief)
- Gramani - Head of Village
- Rig Veda speaks of assemblies such as Sabha , Samiti , Vidath , Gana
- Sabha & Samiti acted as check on the arbitrary rule of Kings
- Later Vedas records that the Sabha functioned as a court of justice
- The Rigvedic society comprised four Varnas - Brahmana , Kshatriya , Vaisya and Shudra (classification of society was based on the professions or occupation of the individuals)
- Brahamanas - Teacher & Priest
- Kshatriyas - Rulers and Administrators
- Vaishyas - Farmers , Merchants and Bankers
- Shudras - Artisans and Labourers
- Child marriage was not in vogue
- Niyoga - A widow could marry the younger brother of her deceased husband
- Kshira-pakamodanam - mention of grain cooked with milk
- Aghanya - Cow was not to be killed
- Alcoholic drink , Sura and Soma were also consumed
- Aryan were primarily agriculture and pastoral people who reckoned their wealth in term of cows
- Nature of Rigvedic religion was Henotheism (belief in many god)
- God worshipped were personified power of Nature
- Believed that divine powers were capable of conferring both boons and punishment on man
- Fire was sacred as it was regarded to be the intermediate between man and God
- There were nearly 33 gods
Later day tradition classified them into 3 categories
- Terrestrial (Prithvisthana) - Prithivi , Agni , Soma , Brihaspati and river
- Aerial / Intermediate (Antarikshasthaniya) - Indra , Rudra , Vayu-Vata , Parjanya
- Celestial (Dyusthaniya) - Daus , Surya (In 5 forms : Surya , Savitri , Mitra , Pushan , Vishnu) , Varuna , Aditi , Usha and Asvin
Indra , Agni and Varuna were the most popular deities of Rigvedic Aryans
- Indra / Purandara (destroyer of the fort , War lord or Rain god) - The most important god (250 Rigvedic hymns are devoted to him)
- Agni (Fire) - Second most important god (200 Rigvedic hymns are devoted to him)
- Varuna (Water) - Rita or the natural order (Ritasyagopa)
Surya (Sun) - Worshipped in five form (Surya , Savitri , Mitra , Pushan , Vishnu) , drive daily across the sky in his chariot driven by Seven Horse
- Savitri (god of light) - The famous Gayatri Mantra is addressed to her
- Mitra - A Solar god
- Pushan - The god of marriage, main function - guardian of roads , herdsmen and straying cattle
- Vishnu - A god which covered earth in three steps (Upakraman)
Soma -
- Originally a plant producing a potent drink during course of Agnishtoma sacrifice, could be hemp/bhang called king of plants
- Identified later with the Moon
- The 9th mandala of Rig Veda , which contains 114 hymns is attributed to the Soma
- That's way it's called Soma Mandala
Other Gods / Goddesses
- Rudra - God of Animals
- Dyaus (God of Sky) - Oldest god & father of the world
- Yama - The god of death
- Ashwin / Nastya - God of health , youth & immortality
- Aditi - Great Mother of Good
- Sindhu - River Goddess
- Not familiar with Cat , Camel & Tiger
- Familiar with Lion , Elephant & Boar
- Money & Market were known
- Cow & Gold - Medium of Exchange (Monarchial form)
- Coin were not known
- Family was Patriarchal in Nature
- Aryans are propounder of Vedic Civilization
- Language - Arya , Sanskrit
- OCP (Ochre Coloured Pottery) Culture : 1500 BC - 1000 BC
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